© 2014 Justin Britt for Lexington County Sheriff All Rights Reserved. Designed by M. Scott Designs, LLC.
Our Lexington ...Fresh Start
If elected as your Sheriff, I will implement:

1. Community-Orientated Policing:

A collaborative partnership between the Lexington County Sheriff's Department and the citizens. This can be accomplished through improving and extending the use of community meetings. These meetings will provide the citizens with direct one on one contact with a Regional supervisor, Resident Deputy and a representative of the investigations division.

The benefit of the community and the Sheriff's Department working together will be to both identify the criminal element and deter possible crime.

Reconfigure the patrol regions to adjust for changing population and crime statistics. Introducing an additional patrol region will increase patrol coverage thus improving the response time and becoming more proactive.

2. The creation of the CARE program (Concerns And Resources for the Elderly):

The job of the Sheriff's Department is to protect people who cannot protect themselves; one of the most vulnerable groups is our elderly.

The creation of the CARE Program which will identify elderly citizens who need specific services such as smoke detector installation, making house numbers visible for emergency personnel or providing personal safety tips. CARE officers will partner with non-profit/service providers who specialize in the needs of the elderly.

3. Enhanced specialized investigative units:

Create investigative units which will focus on specific and specialized crime types.

This elevates property crimes to the same level and priority as violent crimes - both receiving equal attention from a trained criminal investigator.

This will facilitate every crime victim being contacted by an investigator in a timely fashion to discuss the details of their case.

4. Transparency (Public Information Office):

Citizens often develop their thoughts of the department from what they read, see and hear in both the main stream and social media. The Public Information Office will release information to the citizens through the use of strong media relations. This is a crucial element in building a personal relationship between the department and the citizens.

The citizens of Lexington County have a right to be made aware of events that are handled by or involve the Lexington County Sheriff's Department.

5. School Resource Officers:

Immediately take steps to ensure that every public school in Lexington County will have an assigned School Resource Officer.

Develop strong partnerships with parents, school districts, administration and faculty. This will improve the overall safety of the students and teachers while creating a safe learning environment.

6. Animal Cruelty Enforcement (ACE):

As Sheriff, I will make it a point to find, arrest and prosecute perpetrators of animal abuse and animal fighting. The look-the-other-way culture of the past will not be tolerated.

Animal cruelty is a sin and, as Sheriff, I will do all that's in my power to put it to a stop and find a safe home for our pets.
